A new year’s resolution for your finances

It's that time of year again – the holiday parties have started, the days are getting warmer and everyone is starting to itch for some time off.

While it can be quite easy to get swept away by the lure of the beach and delicious barbecues, years end is also a great time to take stock of any changes that have happened in your life over the last 12 months.

Before January starts, taking a look at where you are and where you want to be can be incredibly beneficial in getting set on a course that will help you achieve your financial goals – whatever they may be.

Personal objectives

Perhaps 2013 is the year that you want to buckle down and save for a deposit on a home loan.

Picture it – six months from now, you could be unlocking the door to your very first property if you just get all your ducks in a row.

To get started, you may wish to speak to a mortgage adviser to have a look at your finances and find out what steps you need to take in order to achieve your homeownership goals.

Is it time to set up a budget? What is your borrowing capacity? A mortgage adviser can help you answer these questions and many more.

Professional life

Maybe you have always dreamed of starting your own business. Being your own boss and making your own hours are very appealing, but are you financially able to turn that dream into reality?

It could be worth getting some targeted advice on self employed home loans. How much would you need to get started? Could you handle loan payments with other expenses?

General financial goals

No matter what new horizons you wish to cross, an annual check-up of your financial situation will help you get a realistic view of where you are now and put a plan into action for a rewarding future.